New AutoClean Version 1.2

Today we have released a brand new version (1.2) of AutoClean with loads of new features!!
Below the most important new functionality is described. Subscribed users have received a download link by email.
1) New target handling, called “Geo Locators”
This is a generic concept of manually assigned “targets”, this can be used to mark or annotate positions in the Chart View, 3D View or Slice View.
You can also use this to mark specific soundings (spot soundings).
We have made a very flexible import routine that allows you to import targets from CAD files, text files and even from SonarWiz target database.
The Geo Locators are supported by all the views. With a handy control you can quickly navigate through the Geo Locators and visit the locations quickly.
2) New Chart View layer settings
The Chart View Layers user interface was improved.
This allows for display of multiple Geo tiffs and multiple cad files. Layers can easily be switched on and off.
The Z-ordering is made fully flexible.
3) Automatically download a GeoTiff From Open Street Map
When connected to the internet and the project uses an EPSG code you can download and use a GeoTiff file with OpenStreetMap Data with one button click.
This allows you to quickly review and validate the positioning of the point data. Due the the exact datum conversion of the image the picture will fit very well to your survey data.
4) The 3D engine was updated, support was added for older Intel on-board graphics card for “sandy bridge” processors
5) Support for WSV MBES and Kongsberg Geoswath Plus GS4 formats was added
6) User Defined ASCII Grid Export – Improvements
Various new grid properties can be exported now:
-Date Time Oldest/Newest
-Reference layer value
-Difference between mean and reference
It is now also possible to define a custom Scale Factor and Offset for each numerical field.
7) Various new filters, Clip on Time, Bad Ping filter, Height shifting
8) Add support for tide correction
Import of CARIS TID file or a QPS QINSy ASCII text file can be used to correct for tidal offsets.
9) Volume calculation of dredging areas
For an unlimited number of dredging areas various types of volumes can be calculated when the grid contains a reference layer with the design.
Upper and lower tolerance values can optionally be set.
Contact us on for a demonstration of the new functionality.