New Release BeamworX 2019.1
Today we have released a new version of the BeamworX software suite (version 2019.1).
Various bug fixes and new functionality, see the highlights below. For a full description of the 44 resolved issues please check the release notes that come with the installer.
1) Support WMS and WMTS layer in Chart Views
AutoClean and NavAQ now also support WMS and WMTS chart background layers. For our German customers we added the Wsv InlandENC WMS Service by default. Also added NL PDOK WMTS as an example (see below).
2) Geo Locator Mouse Mode for adding lines and polylines
Users were looking for an easy way to enter lines manually. Via the Geo Locator functionality this can be achieved, a new mouse mode was added for the Chart View.
3) Added Grid attributes Difference Shallowest and Difference Deepest
The Difference layer already showed Mean minus Reference. This layer is still available but is renamed to “Diff Mean”. Options were added to show layer Shallowest minus Reference (label “Diff Shallowest”) and Deepest minus Reference (label “Diff Deepest”).
1) Reject Footprints based on Position Quality
It is now possible to set “acceptance gates” on the position Quality Indicator or Position Error values. When the evaluated position status becomes invalid all the soundings are rejected and various indications are shown.
2) Added Position Statistics Viewer
The Position Statistics Viewer was added to do static position checks. Usually the antenna of the GPS is placed on the quay side over a known point. The statistics dialog loads a Bwxraw file and shows the logged positions in a point cloud and some statistics are shown ref a target position.
3) New “Generic” output device driver
This new output driver supports sending one or more user-defined strings to a serial or UDP output port. The format definition is full flexible, per message a triggering method (time, raw data update etc.) can be chosen.
4) Present Grid QC Statistics in numerical and graphical displays
Various Quality Control methods were added to NavAQ. In the Ping Result Display the mean grid is presented for the overlap. A couple of grid related parameters are available as numerical value including: current overlap percentage and mean difference with overlap.