New Release BeamworX 2019.3

New Release BeamworX 2019.3

We have released a new version of the BeamworX software suite (version 2019.3). Lots of new functionality and bug fixes were implemented. For a full description of the 128 issues please check the release notes that come with the installer. Registered users will receive a download link via email.


1) Export Tracks to CAD file

Transducer tracks can be exported to multiple CAD formats. Export includes system selection and point-reduction options.

2) Raw Data Import – EdgeTech JSF files

Import of Edgetech JSF, raw bathymetry data  is now fully supported. For example this will support interferometric bathy data from the following EdgeTech systems: 4600/2200/2205/2300/6205(s). Note that the survey configuration import is quite limited since there is not a lot of metadata in the JSF file, so you may need to “improve” the configuration manually.

3) Raw Data Import – Enable/Disable Echosounder Systems

In the Survey Configuration you can now disable echosounder (e.g. mbe/sbe) systems that you do not want to import. Disabled systems are not processed. This speeds up processing and reduces bwx result file size.

4) Grid Export of Multiple Areas

Grid export for multiple areas is now supported. Instead of one selected area you can select multiple (1) and it is possible to export them to individual files (2) The file names are created from the Grid file name and the Selected Area name.


1)  Chart View – Various Color Map options

A color scale is now drawn in the chart view. Unique color maps can be assigned per grid attribute optionally.

2) Synchronize windows clock option

NavAQ can now optionally synchronize the windows clock as well.

3) Line Planning – Export

A selection of lines can be exported to various 3rd party file formats that are used to drive the auto-piloting of an autonomous vehicle.
The following formats are supported:

  • MavLink/ArduPilot
  • Hypack LNW

4) Line Planning – Cross Line creation

Generation of cross lines with respect to a selected reference line was added.

6) New Device Drivers

The following drivers were added in this release:

Single Beam: Innomar SES-2000, Unabara Hydrobook
Multi Beam: Teledyne Odom MB1, Edgetech 6502 Bathy
GPS/Imu: Novatel Span Series, Septentrio SBF