New Release BeamworX 2024.1

We just released a new version (2024.1) of the BeamworX software suite. Over 155 issues were resolved including a lot of new functionality. Also the 3rd party libraries are updated to their latest versions. This update brings better support for “High Resolution” screens and makes the software ready for the future.

1) 3rd Party Raw Data Import – Backscatter/Watercolumn Processing
Raw files that are logged with 3rd party software can now also take full advantage of the raw data capabilities of AutoClean: Bathymetry, Backscatter and Watercolumn data processing.
Supported formats are Norbit/Reson S7K, Kongsberg All/KmAll (auto load WCD), PDS, XTF and more.

2) Raw Import Groups
When a group of raw files is imported, all the import settings are now remembered including file location, used configuration, settings etc. This allows our users to repeat the import when other settings are required, e.g. other mounting angle of multibeam transducer or a change of offset location. It will remember the edits and re-apply them after overwriting the bwxres point files.
3) BAG Grid Export
New grid export format BAG (Bathymetry Attributed Grid) was added.
User can fill in various meta data fields, make sure that TVU layer is available.
4) Single Beam Filtering – Entire Project
The filter functions from the Single Beam Editor can now also be used in the main AutoClean filtering functionality. This allows for filtering all the single beam lines in one go. Note that this filter is special since it interpolates the height of a filtered point between its neighbours instead of rejecting it.

5) SEG-Y support
Support was added for Raw Import of Seg-Y data. The samples are imported as Single Beam Echosounder data with “raw sample data”.

6) Export Raw/Results
The NavAQ export functionality was ported over to AutoClean (needs Bwxraw/bwxres files). It can export to various formats including generic user definable export but also GSF/S7K/JSF etc.

1) Magnetometer support
Added support for (single and gradio) magnetometers, various formats are supported by the driver, e.g. Marine Magnetics SeaSpy, Synapse (+B64), Geometric G-882, User defined ASCII.
In the E/S settings of the survey configuration, for each system a number of beams and swath width can be assigned. With this the grid can be filled to show the coverage.

2) Pressure Sensor support
NavAQ now supports absolute and relative pressure sensor observations via an Auxiliary system.
A basic pressure to draft (depth) algorithm is used.

3) Improved Layback Algorithm
The previous layback algorithm used course over ground of parent and was very nervous.
We implemented a new layback algorithm that treats the tow fish as an inert object. an extra mode “Follow parent track”was added too. In this mode the fish will always follow the track of the parent (position of “from” location).

4) New and Updated Drivers
Added driver support for:
Nortek Nucleus INS, Kongsberg EM2042, Klein 3900.
Pico Watercolumn, Legacy Odom RTA, NMEA AirMar XDR, Tritech SeaKing profiler, EM3000 binary attitude. Marine Magnetics Synapse B64 string, Various magnetometer formats, JTTX density probe.
New “Vertical Profiling” Driver was added for the creation of sound velocity and density profiles). This driver can for example help you to log an SVP profile with an ROV vehicle with an onboard Sound Velocity sensor.