New Update for AutoPatch 2.0.5

Today we have released a new version of our product AutoPatch (2.0.5).
The most important improvements are:
PA-113 Pitch Roll Misalignment Change sign to what the user expects
The Sign of the pitch-roll sensor misalignment was opposite of that of the Heading C-O, this is confusing so we changed it.
So as of this version when a pitch roll sensor is placed such that the forward axis of the sensors point to starboard side the correction has to be entered as positive. And opposite, when pointing to port the sign is negative.
PA-114 Dual Head Kongsberg – second head not read
The second head of a multibeam system was not read properly from a Kongsberg All file. Note that this only affects Kongsberg SIS users, QINSY users (XTF) were not affected by this. single Head usage was not affected, only dual head systems.
PA-117 Add units to status bar for quality figures.
Quality figures are in cm, whereas the rest is in meters. Or to be more precise in 1/100 survey units and survey units.
This is not so clear for first time users. We added the unit to the quality figures to clarify this.